LED Lighting Upgrade:

Richmond Equestrian Centre, North Yorkshire

Expected results and benefits:

  1. 86% energy savings

  2. Visibility has improved, making colours, movements and objects easier to perceive by the eye.

  3. The number of luminaires were reduced by over 52% (54 to 26 luminaires) despite a significantly higher light intensity in the room.

Project: To provide a future-proof LED lighting solution in the school gym.

The Brief -

Richmond Equestrian Centre is the foremost indoor equestrian centre in the North of England. With an event every weekend and constant use during the week. They have over 20,000 horses coming to the site each year, with at least twice that number of people. They approached our Northern supplier, Energy Oasis, to bring their lighting up to specification as the current lighting, which was 400 watt high bay, was very poor, noisy and creating shadows. It made it dangerous for both the horses and riders as the horses treat shadows like holes, and will either shy or try to jump over them. They also wanted to reduce their maintenance and running costs.

The British Equestrian Federation require 300 lux level for indoor arenas. We felt this specification was too low, it’s just above what we would normally specify for a warehouse.

The Solution -

Low Energy Designs created a lighting design which gave them an average lux level of 570, with 4,800 kelvins and day light harvesting and PIR. The change that it has made was immediately apparent. The centre has events most evenings and every weekend, being used by everyone from the local pony club, British Dressage and British Show jumping as well as dog agility.

We have reduced the energy consumption by 86%, they were spending £1,300 a year on maintenance. There will now be no maintenance required for the next 12 years. This site is in the process of getting signed off as a flag ship equestrian centre for the British Equestrian Federation.

The difference the lights have made to the indoor arena are fantastic! The arena is so much brighter and inviting for horses that it makes it impossible to find fault. Compared to the old lights which were in the arena the difference is fantastic. The first thing I noticed was the fact that there were no shadows, I popped a few jumps and can safely say there was no issue with shadows, be it on the fences or underneath them. It was a nice change to be able to jump around a course without struggling to see a stride due to a shadow. I also noticed that the lights don’t make a noise when they are on which makes a nice change and seems to keep the horses slightly more relaxed. Having worked in the arenas for 6 years it’s very difficult to pick fault with the lights and a lovely change to have ones which are so good.
— Regular Arena User, Elena



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