LED Lighting Upgrade:

St Peter’s Catholic School


  • 79% annual cost savings

  • Over £13,500 saved per year

  • Payback Period: 0.86 Year

  • 80% Light Increase

  • 78% annual CO2 savings

  • 750 Lux Achieved

  • Sensor Controlled Lights

  • Emergency Light Cage Protection

Project: To improve light quality and energy efficiency

The Brief -

St. Peter’s Catholic School, renowned for its commitment to excellence, identified a pressing need to upgrade the lighting in their sports hall. The existing 6ft fluorescent lights were inadequate, failing to provide the necessary illumination levels required for examinations and various sporting activities. Low Energy Designs was commissioned to deliver a cutting-edge LED lighting solution that would enhance the lighting quality, improve energy efficiency, and provide better control over the lighting environment.

The Solution -

Low Energy Designs proposed a comprehensive LED lighting system designed to meet the specific needs of St. Peter’s Catholic School’s sports hall. The upgrade involved replacing 40 outdated 6ft fluorescent lights with 40 LumiMOD 2 LED lights. Low level Emergency exit lights were also upgrade or added where required, including a cage protection to keep the emergencies from being damaged by sports equipment or ball strikes.

The installation of the new LED lighting system in the sports hall resulted in several measurable benefits:

  • Improved Illumination: The new LED lights provide a lux level of 750, meeting the necessary standards for examinations and improving visibility for sports activities.

  • Increased Light Levels: There was an 80% increase in light output compared to the previous fluorescent lighting, ensuring a brighter and more conducive environment for both students and staff.

  • Energy Efficiency: The dynamic lighting control system optimised energy use, reducing overall consumption and costs.

  • Enhanced Safety: The upgraded emergency lighting and added protection increased the safety and reliability of the sports hall lighting system.

The LED lighting upgrade at St. Peter’s Catholic School’s sports hall, successfully met the project's objectives, providing a modern, energy-efficient, and highly controllable lighting solution. The school now benefits from improved lighting quality for examinations and activities, greater control over lighting conditions, and enhanced safety features. This case study exemplifies Low Energy Designs' commitment to delivering tailored, high-performance lighting solutions that meet the specific needs of educational institutions.





Dorchester Middle School